MFH Blog
Deep dives into the latest topics on Functional Medicine, health, wellness, and fun.
Microbiome: Part 1
The father of medicine, Hippocrates, once said, “All disease begins in the gut.” Despite the hundreds of years that have passed since we are just now understanding the vital role that the gut microbiome has on our overall health. What Exactly is the Microbiome? The...
Immune Boosting Vitamins
As we move into phase one of lifting social isolation and reopening certain businesses, we all need to continue to protect ourselves from potentially contracting and spreading the COVID-19 virus. There are many lifestyle changes you can do every day to keep your...
12 Ways To Boost Immune Health Admid COVID-19
Lifestyle factors play a major role in the health of our immune system. A healthy diet, vital nutrients, stress management, quality sleep, strong social connections, movement all are key aspects of our life that are important to master in order to stay healthy. Right...
Sleep and Immune Health
Do you feel well-rested and that you get enough sleep? Getting quality rest is an essential part of our health and well being but often gets overlooked. Day to day stress, heavy to-do lists, and anxiety can get in the way of getting enough shut-eye. In fact, about 60...
“Butterflies” In Your Stomach?
When your body reacts to stress or a threat, you switch from rest-and-digest mode to a fight-or-flight response. Right now the coronavirus is causing a lot of fear and uncertainty. You might be feeling more threatened and anxious than usual, keeping your body in a...
Seven Reasons To Eat Asparagus
In times of uncertainty, it’s nice to be able to have a sure thing. Luckily we are surrounded by many foods that naturally nourish our bodies every time we eat them!. Many fruit and veggies are now in season, including asparagus. This hearty and healthy vegetable is...
Community Q&A – The Immune System & Its Key Influencers
In this episode, we discuss The Immune System and Its Key Influencers. Our immune system's main functions are to defend against foreign invaders and repair injuries. A healthy immune system is watching and waiting, only reacting to dangerous strangers. It should...
Community Q&A – Benefits of Functional Medicine
In this episode, we answer the question: “What is Functional Medicine and how can it benefit me or someone I know?”. “Functional medicine is a science-based personalized healthcare approach that assesses and treats underlying causes of illness through individually...
Smooth Skin Smoothie
Our skin has been known to reflect our general inner-health status and the aging process. Beauty comes from the inside, right? Nutrients including vitamins, carotenoids, tocopherols, flavonoids and a variety of plant extracts possess potent anti-oxidant properties and...
10-Minute Meditation Challenge
How's your STRESS level these days?!? Want to reduce it dramatically?? We do! Join us on in this 10-minute meditation challenge, starting today! We know that adding one more thing to your plate right now sounds nearly impossible (believe me I am the queen of jamming...
The Elimination Diet
Have you ever wished there was a test, just one, that would tell you exactly what you should and shouldn’t eat so you can feel better and live your best life?! Well, I am here to tell you that test EXISTS and, better yet, it’s FREE!! This test can help determine if...